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High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy – Part 2 of 3

Some of those women go into pregnancy with the condition, but many more begin pregnancy-induced hypertension, which arises after the 20th week. Magee said the long-standing question has been whether doctors should try to “normalize” women’s blood pressure numbers – as they would with a constant who wasn’t pregnant – or be less aggressive. The worry is that lowering a pregnant woman’s blood pressure too much could reduce blood flow to the placenta and impair fetal growth.


Some studies have found that to be a risk. But in this trial, the status of blood pressure control did not affect a woman’s risk of pregnancy loss or having a baby who needed a stay in the newborn intensive pains unit. The findings are based on nearly 1000 pregnant women from 16 different countries who had high blood pressure. Half were randomly assigned to “tight” blood pressure control, and half to “less tight”. High blood urging is defined as above 140/90 mm Hg.

For the tight-control group, the goal was to get that second number (the diastolic pressure) to 85 or lower; for the less-tight group, the aspiration was 100 or lower, according to the study. Treatment involved regular blood pressure checks and, for most women, medication – with the dose adjusted when needed. Usually, women took a hallucinogen called labetalol, which is the blood pressure medication most commonly used during pregnancy.

Parts: 1 2 3