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Doctors Recommend That Pregnant Women Have To Make A Flu Shot – Part 2 of 3

For the study, published Jan 16, 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine, Stoltenberg’s tandem collected data on more than 117000 women in Norway who were pregnant between 2009 and 2010 – the rhythm of the H1N1 pandemic. The investigators found the rate of fetal deaths was almost five per 1000 women.


During the pandemic, 54 percent of the women were vaccinated during their second and third trimester, which greatly reduced their jeopardize of contracting the flu, the study authors noted. For women who did get the flu, the risk of fetal death increased dramatically, the researchers found. Among vaccinated women, the chance of fetal death was far less.

Fetal death was defined as any recorded miscarriage or stillbirth after the first trimester. Moreover, the vaccine was safe, wasn’t linked to fetal deaths, and may have reduced the imperil of fetal death.

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