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Very Loud Music Can Cause Hearing Loss In Adolescence – Part 3 of 3

The ones that muffle outside noise, so you don’t have to nut up the volume to the max when you’re listening to music”. For his part, Dr Donald G Keamy, a Boston-based surgeon at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, as well as an master in the departments of otology and laryngology at Harvard Medical School, expressed little surprise with the findings.

And “Certainly the rise of iPods and other devices of that sort is a factor, since everyone’s using them,” he suggested. “But with evaluate to concerts, there have been other studies that have measured someone’s hearing before and after a concert, and found that right after there is a temporary loss – which implies that there’s acoustic damage to the middle ear that the ear may initially return to health from.

But over time and over repeated exposure it can lose the ability to recover from that. And of course the problem extends beyond concerts. Kids that mow the lawn or use guns in hunting – those sorts of things embrace terrible noise exposure, and without protection there’s a risk for hearing loss as life goes on proextenderusa com. So I would say what I say to my patients who come in with pre-existing hearing loss: ‘use protection'”.

Parts: 1 2 3