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A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen – Part 3 of 3

It’s known that high-dose folic acid supplements – 4 milligrams a time taken at least four weeks before becoming pregnant and through the first 12 weeks of pregnancy – decrease the risk of neural tube defects, the CDC said. Hispanic women are about 20 percent more likely to have a child with a neural tube defect than non-Hispanic white women.

One reason, according to the March of Dimes: wheat flour is fortified with folic acid, but corn masa flour – which is more current among Hispanics – is not fortified. The March of Dimes says it has asked the US Food and Drug Administration to reinforce corn masa flour with folic acid with the goal of lowering the rate of neural tube defects among Hispanic women proextenderusa.com. Both studies appear in the Jan 16, 2015 culmination of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, published by the CDC.

Parts: 1 2 3