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Human Papillomavirus Is Associated With The Development Of Skin Cancer – Part 2 of 3

The new study expands the search, looking to see if such a risk extends to the general population. The team compared HPV antibody levels in 663 adults with squamous cubicle carcinoma, 898 people with basal cell carcinoma (the most common type of skin cancer) and 805 healthy controls.


Testing egregious for two or three types of HPV conferred a 44 percent higher risk for squamous cell carcinoma, the team reported, while having four to eight types conferred a 51 percent higher risk, and having more than eight types boosted the dissimilarity by 71 percent. People who had taken immunosuppressant drugs for a long time had triple the risk.

The findings were published online Friday in BMJ. The investigate authors pointed out that the participants in this study were all white, making it unclear whether the findings could be generalized to others.

There are, in all, more than 100 strange known types of HPV, with different types attracted to different parts of the body, explained Dr Doris Day, a dermatologist with Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. In this study, HPV was linked with squamous chamber carcinoma but not its more prevalent sister, basal cell carcinoma.

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