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Still Some Differences Between The Behavior Of Men And Women – Part 3 of 3

The findings suggest the hormones that begin to drop-kick in during adolescence push the male and female brains in different directions. What does all this mean in the context of people’s day-to-day lives? “It tells us why, almost always, when men and women are in a auto together, the man drives,” Zak contended. “His brain is biased toward being better at moving a vehicle along a road and going to the right place, the stereotype of the lost man notwithstanding”.

Also, “women prolong and value friendships and other relationships better than men do. Men can have many friends, but on average we are less good at this”. Verma, the study co-author, said the next step in the research is to figure out if consumers behave differently depending on how their brains are wired proextender4.men. The study appears online Dec 2, 2013 in the journal Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.

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