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Girls Mature Faster Than Boys – Part 1 of 3

Girls Mature Faster Than Boys. New wit research suggests one reason girls mature faster than boys during their teen years. As people age, their brains reorganize and powder connections. In this study, scientists examined brain scans from 121 healthy people, aged 4 to 40. It’s during this period that the major changes in brains connectivity occur. The researchers discovered that although the overall number of connections is reduced, the brain preserves long-distance connections important for integrating information.

The findings might explain why brain party doesn’t decline – but instead improves – during this period of connection pruning, according to the research team. The researchers also found that these changes in brain connections begin at an earlier age in girls than in boys. “Long-distance connections are laborious to establish and maintain but are crucial for fast and efficient processing,” said study co-leader Marcus Kaiser, of Newcastle University, in England.

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